Preventive Dental Care | What is a Dental Exam and Cleaning?

Protecting your teeth and gums is essential for maintaining optimal dental hygiene. Aside from normal toothbrushing and flossing, visiting the dentist is also important. In fact, patients are recommended to visit their dentist twice a year for dental exams and cleanings. These preventive dental procedures are the key to protect your smile. 

Learn more about dental exams and cleanings below and contact Chestnut Hill Dental Associates today!

What is a Dental Exam?

Dental exams are performed by a dentist and consist of an examination of any signs of tooth decay, periodontal disease, tooth damage, and oral cancer. For this reason, dental exams are necessary for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. In other words, a dental x-ray is performed to understand your teeth and gum development. These images also detect issues such as decay that may have otherwise gone undetected. 

Lastly, he or she will recommend treatments to improve your oral health. If no immediate treatment is needed, a dental cleaning is followed.


Why are Dental Exams Needed?

In general, dental exams help detect issues early on. Commonly, decay and gum disease are detected and the patient is advised of the next steps to restore their smile. It is important to note that early detection is best to avoid costly and extensive dental work. For example, decay left untreated can lead to infection and tooth loss. This is why most patients are advised to visit the dentist twice a year for routine dental exams.

What is a Dental Cleaning?

In short, a dental cleaning is a process done by a dentist or dental hygienist to attain maximum oral health. The dentist’s goal is to eliminate the dental plaque, stain and tartar that have mounted on the teeth, to keep them from dental cavities and further tooth and gum problems. The regular brushing and flossing done at home are not enough to remove plaque and tartar that have stuck on the tooth surface. Thus, it is important to visit the dentist for a thorough dental cleaning. 

Reasons to Maintain Your Dental Cleanings

  • Cavity Prevention- dental cleaning is carried out by a professional dentist to hinder tooth cavity.
  • Gum Disease Prevention- dental cleanings prevent gum disease. The dentist gets rid of plaque, stains, and tartar which can extend outside the visible parts of the teeth and move beneath the gums causing gum infections.
  • Improve Your Smile – maintain fresh breath and shiny white teeth by getting rid of tooth surface stains, plaque, and tartar.
  • Cost-Effective – dental cleanings help prevent dental issues that often lead to dental emergencies.

Learn More

Schedule a consultation with Chestnut Hill Dental Associates. Our team is educated and trained to assist patients of all ages. Ask about our preventive dental care treatments to best protect your smile. Moreover, new patients are welcome. Call (617) 566-0308 or book an appointment online. We look forward to meeting you!