What Are Instances That a Tooth Extraction Is Needed?

dentist checking patient's teeth 2024

Having a tooth extracted can be a daunting experience, but it is often necessary to maintain oral health. This procedure is typically performed by an oral surgeon or dentist and involves numbing the area around the tooth before removing it. 

When most people think of a tooth extraction, they think of it as a last resort. However, there are many reasons why tooth extraction may be the best option for you.  

Here are instances where tooth extraction might be necessary:

1. There Is Too Much Decay Present in the Tooth

Bacteria in your mouth, in the form of plaque, feed on sugars from food particles. It produces acid when they digest sugars, which eat away at the enamel and cause cavities. Cavities in their early stages are simple to treat. However, the enamel is severely eroded in severe cases, causing it to lose its stability. It becomes brittle and incapable of accepting fillings or even supporting a crown. 

Your dentist will tell you that the only way to keep the cavities from spreading is to have them extracted. After that, you’ll need restorative treatment to replace the missing tooth.

2. The Tooth Is Fractured and Cannot Be Repaired

Some people may wonder why it is so critical to treat a tooth fracture, no matter how minor, as soon as possible because tooth decay can occur when a tooth’s structure is compromised. Unchecked decay can lead to the formation of an abscess in the jawbone and surrounding soft tissues. You may lose several teeth if this continues.

3. The Tooth Is Impacted and Needs to Be Removed

An impacted tooth cannot erupt fully into the mouth because other teeth block it. This can happen when there is not enough room in the mouth for all teeth. An impacted tooth can cause problems because it is more difficult to keep clean. The gum around an impacted tooth can become irritated and inflamed.

If an impacted tooth is not treated, it can eventually lead to infection, damage to other teeth, and even pain. A dentist should evaluate impacted teeth to determine if they need to be extracted.

4. The Tooth Is Causing So Much Pain

While tooth pain has many different causes, one of the most common is an infection. When a tooth is infected, it can cause severe pain and discomfort. In some cases, the condition can even spread to other body parts. For these reasons, it is essential to extract an infected tooth as soon as possible.

An infected tooth can be very painful. The pain is often caused by the pressure of the infection on the nerve. This pressure can cause the nerve to become inflamed and irritated. In some cases, the pain can be so severe that it interferes with everyday activities.

5. There Is Teeth Overcrowding

Teeth crowding is a common dental condition that occurs when there is insufficient space in the mouth for all the teeth. The teeth can become crooked, overlapping, and crowded. Various factors, including genetics, injury, and thumb sucking, can cause teeth crowding.

Moreover, crowding can lead to several problems, including difficulty cleaning the teeth, an increased risk of cavities and gum disease, and difficulty chewing. Extracting teeth is often necessary to treat teeth crowding.


Having a tooth extracted when necessary is vital to maintain good oral health. If a tooth is not extracted when it needs to be, it can lead to further problems such as infections or abscesses. It can also cause pain and discomfort. 

Looking for the best dentists in Brighton, MA? Look no further than Chestnut Hill Dental. Our digital office uses constantly updated protocols, with our commitment to quality and precision. Our dental office offers a wide range of procedures under one roof. Book an appointment today!

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